Working with Media

How can I add Alternative text to my images?

Alternative text, often shortened to ‘alt text,’ is a short and succinct written description of an image. Well written alt text is important to increase your presentation’s accessibility. Screen readers will read aloud alt text in place of images which means this content will be available to viewers who are blind or low vision.

It’s quick and easy to add alt text to your images on an iPoster. You can add the text in when you first upload the image or you can add it on images that have already been uploaded. Follow the below steps for a guide on how to do this.

For more detailed instructions on how to add images to your iPoste see the following FAQ: How do I add images to my iPoster?

Adding alternative text on images – instructions

1. Click on Insert Image in the content box tool bar. Upload the desired image.

In the background a the top is the iPoster content box tool bar with the insert image tool circled in red. in the foreground is the image properties screen the words 'Drop file here upload or click here to select' are circled in red.

2. Once the image has finished loading the ‘Image Properties’ screen will be displayed. Add the Alt text in the box provided.

The image properties box under the Image Info tab. There is a section to add alt text. The visible alternative text added reads: 'Person at desk in front of a computer. They are holding their hand in front of the screen in gree....'.

3. Alt text has now been added to this image.

The image in the content box with the tool bar open above it.

4. If you need to edit the alt text, or add alt text onto an existing image simply double click on the image to bring up the ‘Image Properties’ screen again. Click on the Image Info tab and you will see the Alt text box.

The 'image properties' window the 'Image Info' tab is circled.

5. Simply edit the existing text or add in alt text here as per above steps. Click ‘OK’ and the alt text has now been added to your image.

The 'image properties' window showing the 'Image Info tab.  The alternative text field shows edited text, 'Person at desk in front of a computer.'

Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team by sending a support request. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.

How can I generate subtitles for my videos?

If your conference organizers have chosen to enable subtitles for videos you will be able to generate this using a linked AI. Please note that the AI can take up to 24 hours to generate the subtitles which can then be edited. Make sure that you allow plenty of time to generate captions for your videos and to adjust them as required afterwards.

First you will need to have a video uploaded in either the VIDEO REPOSITORY/GALLERY section, or under the VIDEO PRESENTATION section of your iPoster editor. Both of these buttons are located on the main menu. Please see the following FAQs on how to upload a video into these sections.

These instructions are broken into 2 parts:
  1. Generating subtitles for videos in VIDEO PRESENTATION.
  2. Generating subtitles for videos in VIDEO REPOSITORY/GALLERY

1. Generating subtitles for videos in VIDEO PRESENTATION

1. Upload your video in VIDEO PRESENTATION then click on the green ‘Subtitles’ button

screenshot showing the Video presentation screen in the iPoster editor. a red button called 'Delete' and a green button called 'Subtitles' sit below a preview of an uploaded video.

2. The following screen will pop up – click the ‘Generate Subtitles’ button.

screenshot showing the Video presentation screen in the iPoster editor. a green button called 'generate Subtitles' sits below the text, 'If the video has an audio track with spoken word, you may choose to generate subtitles for it.

3. This screen will then be shown advising that the subtitle generation is in progress and to wait up to a day. Check back after 24 hours.

screenshot showing the Video presentation screen in the iPoster editor. a green button called 'Refresh Status' sits below the text, 'AI subtitle generation is in progress. This can take up to a day to complete.'

4. After 24 hours log back into your iPoster editor and open the VIDEO PRESENTATION screen. Click on Refresh status. The generated subtitles will open in a box where the text can be edited. A preview of the video will be available to the top right of the screen so you can run through it whilst you make edits.

screenshot showing the generated subtitles. They are circled in red. There is a red arrow pointing to a preview of the video that the subtitles belong to.

5. Once you have completed your edits check your subtitles in preview mode. Click on Preview on the main menu then click on the Video Presentation button.

screenshot showing the video presentation button that will appear on the preview screen.

5. Click on the 3 vertical dots and select Captions to toggle the subtitles on and off.

screenshot showing the 3 vertical dots (the settings) available when playing a video. The dots have a red circle around them.
screenshot showing the available settings when a user is playing a video. The settings are: 
Playback Speed
Picture in Picture

2. Generating subtitles for videos in VIDEO REPOSITORY/GALLERY

1. In the VIDEO REPOSITORY/VIDEO GALLERY you will see a preview of your uploaded videos. If you haven’t uploaded any videos yet you will see a blank screen with an ‘Upload New’ button.

screenshot showing the 3 video previews within the Video Repository screen from the iPoster editor.

2. Click on the CC symbol below the video that you want to generate the subtitles for.

screenshot showing 3 symbols under each video preview. A delete button, an edit title button and a button that says CC. There is a red arrow pointing to the CC button.

3.The below window will pop up. Click on ‘Generate subtitles’. Then wait up to 24 hours for the AI to complete the task. Continue to follow the instructions from step 4. in section 1 above.

screenshot showing the Video repository screen in the iPoster editor. a green button called 'generate Subtitles' sits below the text: 'If the video has an audio track with spoken word, you may choose to generate subtitles for it.

Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team by sending a support request. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.

Add a video presentation to your iPoster

There are lots of good reasons to add a video presentation to your iPoster. It’s a particularly great feature to increase the accessibility, reach and engagement of your research. For example, it provides a presentation option for those who cannot attend your conference in-person. Remember that your iPoster will live on and be available on-line long after your conference is over.

It’s also fairly easy to create your own recorded presentation using your computer’s built-in recording functions, or any 3rd party tools like, Zoom, WebX or Microsoft Teams.

A video presentation can provide a general summary of your research or explore a particular theme in more depth. If this option is available for your conference, the ‘Video Presentation’ button will be visible on the Main Menu of your iPoster Editor screen.

Please note that there is a file upload size limit of 100MB. If you need to compress your file you can use a free online service such as:

The iPoster system accepts several video file types for video uploads, including:
  • 3g2
  • 3gp
  • avi
  • flv
  • ts
  • mov
  • mkv
  • mp4
  • mpeg
  • mpd
  • mxf
  • ogv
  • webm
  • wmv

If you also want to add videos into content boxes please see this FAQ: How do i add videos to my iPoster?

Add a Video Presentation to your iPoster – Instructions

1. Click on the green VIDEO PRESENTATION button in the Main Menu.

Screenshot of Green 'Video presentation' button

2. The Video upload box will pop up. Add your video file in here. You can either click ‘Select Video’. The Video Repository will open and you can choose to select a previously uploaded video or upload a new one.

3. To upload a new video click on ‘Upload New’ and search through your files on your computer, or you can drag and drop the file into this box.

4. Your video will then load into the system and you’ll see a status bar in the bottom left of your screen. The upload can take a couple of minutes depending on the size of the file and your current internet upload speed. You can close out of the video repository and continue to work on your poster while you wait for your video to upload.

4. Once your video is uploaded It will be available in the Video Repository. To delete the uploaded video at any time, simply click on the red ‘Delete’ button. You can return to the video presentation screen at any time and select your newly uploaded video.

If your conference organizer has enabled AI subtitle generation you will see a green ‘Subtitle’ button next to the ‘Delete’ button. See the FAQ ‘How can I generate subtitles for my videos?‘ for detailed instructions on this process.

Screenshot of the video presentation upload box With an uploaded video - completed.

5. Check your video in Preview mode. Click on the preview button in the main menu. There should be a button at the bottom of your poster called ‘Video Presentation’. Click on this button and play your video to check it.

Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team by sending a support request. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.

How do I add transcripts for narration or audio snippets?

You have the option of adding transcripts for both narration and audio snippets on your iPoster. First you need to upload a narration or an audio snippet file. You will always be able to add a transcript manually. You may have the option to generate the transcript automatically using an integrated AI component – this option isn’t available on all conferences.

In either case once there is text in the transcript editing box a ‘Transcript’ button will appear on the preview version of your poster. Visitors can then click on this button to read the transcript.

This instruction is broken into two parts:

Part 1: Manually generate a narration or audio snippet transcript
Part 2: Auto generate a narration or audio snippet transcript

Please Note:

You will need to have uploaded an audio file to your poster to be able to follow the below instructions. See the FAQ on adding audio narration to your iPoster if you haven’t done this already.

Part 1: Manually generate a narration or audio snippet transcript

For Narration:

1. Click on the Narration button in the Main Menu. Click on the Enter Transcript button under your uploaded recording.

Narration screen when a recording has been added. the 'Enter transcript', 'Remove Narration' and 'Download Narration' buttons are available. There is a text advising that the transcript can be copy pasted in if it is already typed out.

2. An empty content box will pop up. Add your narration transcript in here. You can either copy/paste it from another source, or you can type it in directly. You can then format the text as you like afterwards.

screenshot showing blank Edit Transcript content box in iPosterSessions editor.

3. Edit your transcript text as required using the tools in the tool bar. i.e. add headings, change the font style/size, change the text color etc…

screenshot showing paragraphs with headings in the Edit Transcript content box in iPosterSessions editor.

4. Click on Preview to check that the Transcript button has appeared at the bottom of your poster. Click on this button to view the transcript as visitors would.

For audio snippet:

1. After you have uploaded an audio snippet file in a content box you will see a tab called ‘transcript’. Click on this tab to enter a transcript. This tool functions in exactly the same way as the Narration transcript for editing purposes (outlined in steps 2-3 above).

The Upload audio screen showing the 'transcript' tab in the iPoster Editor. 

The message on the screen advises that a transcriptions can be added by clicking on the Enter Transcript' button.

2. To check on your audio snippet transcript click on Preview and click the play button on the snippet. A pop-up will show advising that there is a transcript available. Click on ‘Show’ to view the transcript or ‘Download’ to download it.

The audio snippet on a poster in Preview mode on the iPoster. There are options to show and download the transcript.

3. To edit your audio snippet transcript go to the editor screen and expand the content box. Double click to the left or right of the audio snippet section as shown by the red stars below. This will open up the transcript dialogue box.

The audio snippet control bar in a content box. There is a red star on either side to show the user where to click.

4. Click on ‘Edit transcript’ button then edit your transcript as required.

The audio snippet edit dialogue box which pulls up when a user double clicks on the audio snippet control panel.

5. Click on the X in the top right corner to close the dialogue box down.

The audio snippet edit transcript box.

Part 2: Auto generate a narration or audio snippet transcript

For narration:

1. Click on the Narration button in the Main Menu. If your conference allows for auto generation of the transcript you will see a ‘Generate AI Transcript’ button as well as an Enter Transcript button.

Narration screen when a recording has been added. the 'Enter transcript',  'Generate AI Transcript' 'Remove Narration' and 'Download Narration' buttons are available. There is a text advising that the transcript can be copy pasted in if it is already typed out. 

And another text advising that the AI generation button can be used to automatically generate the transcript. And that's it's recommended that the transcripts are checked and edited after they've been generated.

2. Click on the Generate AI Transcript button. You must now wait for the transcript to generate. This usually doesn’t take more than 30 mins However it may more or less time depending on the size/length of the recording.

Narration screen when a recording has been added and the generation of AI transcript is in progress. There is a green button below the text which says 'Refresh Status'.

3. You can use the ‘Refresh Status button to check if your transcript has finished generating. If your transcript still hasn’t finished generating after an hour or so. Please contact support desk.

If the transcript is ready you will see a button called Edit Transcript. You can click on this at any point to edit the text in your transcript. The AI may have made mistakes with some words and it is always a good idea to check this. You can also format the text as required here. i.e. add paragraphs, or change the color of the text etc…

Narration screen when a recording has been added and the generation of AI transcript is completed.  The Edit Transcript', 'Remove Narration' and 'Download Narration' buttons are available.

4. After editing your text, click on ‘Preview’ and check that the Transcript button has appeared at the bottom of your poster. Make sure your transcript is displayed as edited.

For audio snippet:

1. After you have uploaded an audio snippet file in a content box you will see a tab called ‘transcript’. Click on this tab then click on ‘Generate transcript’.

The Upload audio screen showing the 'transcript' tab in the iPoster Editor. There is an Enter Transcript button and a 'Generate AI Transcript'  button. 

The message on the screen advises that a transcriptions can be added by clicking on the Enter Transcript' button. Or by clicking on the Generate AI Transcript button.

2. You must now wait for the transcript to generate. The time it takes will depend on how long the recording is and how big the file is. In this example my recording was 50 seconds and it took less than 5 minutes to until the transcript was ready. You can check if the transcript has finished generating by clicking on the refresh status button.

The Upload audio screen showing the 'transcript' tab in the iPoster Editor. There is a 'Refresh' button and a message advising that the AI generation may take up to an hour.

3. When the transcript is done the following screen will be shown. Click on ‘Edit transcript’ to make any adjustments to the text.

The Upload audio screen showing the 'transcript' tab in the iPoster Editor when the AI transcript has finished generating.  There is a 'Edit Transcript' button.

4. To check on your audio snippet transcript click on ‘Preview’ and click the play button on the snippet. A pop-up will show advising that there is a transcript available. Click on ‘Show’ to view the transcript or ‘Download’ to download it.

The audio snippet on a poster in Preview mode on the iPoster. There are options to show and download the transcript.

How do I add images to an iPoster?

Add images to an iPoster in a couple of clicks using the Insert Image tool. You will find this tool on the toolbar of each content box as shown below.

The content box toolbar from the iPoster editor. the insert image tool is circled in blue.

General Image tips

The size of your images is important because it will impact the quality of your overall presentation.  Ensure that your images are as large as possible so that they have maximum impact for the end viewer.  

Images must be in JPG, PNG or GIF format. When inserting images, remember that they will expand to their full size when tapped or clicked on by visitors or by you during your presentation. So, make sure your images are as large as possible – up to 1920 x1080 pixels. And if available, use the original images for best quality. If they are not available, take screen shots of your images, but zoom in before you take them so that, again, they are as large as possible.

As you proceed, save your progress then check your work by clicking on the Preview button. You’ll get a close approximation of how your presentation will look on the HD screens, and can test all of the functionality: content boxes and images expand when clicked, videos play correctly, external links connect, etc…

Slideshow Images

The slide show window (available in some templates) has a minimum image size requirement of  960×360 pixels, but  we recommend that you insert images up to 1920×1080 pixels.

When you look at the slide show in the condensed view any images larger than 960×360 will be cropped. However when you or an end viewer click or tap on the slide show in preview mode or at the conference, it will open up as an overlay and show all images at their full size.

Conference participants will then be able to flick through the slideshow as they wish. Having larger images will provide a more enjoyable and better quality viewing experience for them.

Diagrams, charts and tables

Diagrams, charts, tables, etc need to be inserted as images. Either export them from their source program as JPG or PNG, or take a screen shot. Make them as large as possible, and then import them into your content boxes. That way they will expand to make it easy for your visitors to view them.

Remember that an iPoster can contain so much more than an upload of a  PDF or PowerPoint, so try to take advantage of this by including:

  • Videos
  • Sound files
  • Links to dynamic external information (e.g. online data sets, visualizations, etc…)
  • As much content as you feel is necessary to present your research with the detail it deserves. There are no content limits.  As soon as you exceed the apparent physical space of a content box, it will scroll.

Adding an image to an iPoster content box

1. Either drag and drop your image into the upload box or click on the box to choose an image from your files. If you have previously uploaded images click on the ‘Image Repository’ tab to browse and select an existing image.

Iposter editor tool bar. The insert image tool is circled in red and a red arrow points down to an open dialogue box with the words ' Drop file here to upload or click here to select.'

2. After dropping or selecting your image file allow approx. 10 seconds for it to upload. The Image Info tab will be displayed. You can choose to add captions or alternative text to your image or change the alignment using the options in this box. Click ‘Ok’.

3. The image is now inserted into the content box. You can double click on the image to return to the Image Info tab and change/update any of the settings here.

Accessing uploaded images

All uploaded images will be stored in the Image Repository on the main menu. When you click on the insert image tool you may choose to upload the image (as in the process outlined above) or you can insert an image that has already been uploaded. Simply click on the Image Repository tab to view your stored images.

Image Repository button in the editor circled in red. A red arrow points at the opened dialogue box in the center of the screen which shows the images stored in the repository.

Editing images

Images can be edited to some degree within the iPoster system. From the Image Repository click on the green edit button under the relevant image. You can crop, re-size, rotate, or flip the image using the controls in the top menu. The below example shows the cropping tool. You can also zoom in or out on the image to make it easier to see the edits you’re making.

When you’ve completed your edits you can either save the edited image as a new image or replace the original image with the edited one.

Be sure to view our tutorials, which will give you a broad overview of the how to create your presentations.

Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team by sending a support request. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.