The 2018 Conference is jointly organized by the National Institute of Health (INS) under the Mozambique Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Mozambique FELTP. The theme of the Conference “Building resilient and sustainable public health systems in Africa through Field Epidemiology Training” with topics that will strengthen the need for collaboration amongst public health experts with vast professional backgrounds
12 – 16, November 2018 Maputo, Mozambique

Virtua 2018
Virtua is a non-profit healthcare system in southern New Jersey that operates a network of hospitals, surgery centers, physician practices, fitness centers, and more. Virtua hospitals are located in Berlin, Mount Holly, Marlton and Voorhees. Virtua is South Jersey’s largest health care provider. iPosterSessions is helping with a series of virtual meetings for Virtua
1 November – 31 December 2018 New Jersey, NJ, USA

GDA ConfEx 2018
The GDA Conference is the leading Middle East strategic platform for Downstream professionals to address business challenges, share best practices & unlock potential opportunities through collaboration and partnerships. Striving towards excellence, this forum aims at engaging regional & international stakeholders across the business, academia & technology providers to capitalize on investment, innovation & growth
23 – 25, October 2018 Manama, Bahrain

AAS DPS 2018
The 50th Annual Meeting Division for Planetary Sciences meeting was held at the Knoxville Convention Center, organized by the American Astronomical Society
21 – 26, October 2018 Knoxville, TN, USA

AVA Annual Meeting 2018
The Association for Vascular Access (AVA) stands at the forefront of protecting and saving lives via establishing best practices and promoting patient advocacy. Our multidisciplinary membership advances research, provides professional and public education to shape practice and enhance patient outcomes, and partners with the device manufacturing community to bring about evidence-based innovations in vascular access
15 – 18, September 2018 Columbus, OH, USA

ASSH Annual Meeting 2018
Don’t miss this year’s multimedia iPosters!
- Explore over 600 cutting-edge research presentations with high-resolution images, high definition videos, and other touch screen features
- Contact your favorite authors directly from the interactive screens
- iPosters are available for viewing in the Exhibit Hall kiosks
13 – 15, September 2018 Boston, MA, USA

NZPsS 50th-anniversary
The New Zealand Psychological Society (NZPsS) invites you to their 50th-anniversary celebrations, at this year’s Jubilee conference: The spiral of connection: Psychology in the past, present, and future. Hosted during the seasonal turn to spring, at the University of Auckland Owen G Glenn Building, 5-8 September 2018, this conference provides an opportunity to collectively reflect upon, celebrate, and envision psychology into the future
5 – 8, September 2018 Auckland, New Zealand

The Eastern Vascular Society (EVS) was founded in 1987 to enhance the ability to provide vascular care and serve disparate communities through a commitment to diversity and inclusion and to promote diversity and inclusion within the Society, in vascular surgery education, training, and research. About 300 medical professionals attend its scientific meeting annually
6 – 8, September 2018 Washington, DC, USA

APSA Annual Meeting 2018
Join us for the 114th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition to address the latest scholarship in political science while exploring the 2018 theme, “Democracy and Its Discontents.” APSA look forward to your participation in panels and sessions prepared by APSA’s 56 divisions and numerous related groups at the 2018 APSA Annual Meeting
30 August – 2 September 2018 Boston, MA, USA

Stockholm Junior Water Prize 2018
The Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP) is the world’s most prestigious youth award for a water-related science project. The prize taps into the unlimited potential of today’s high school students as they seek to address current and future water challenges
24 – 29, August 2018 Stockholm, Sweden