The ACRL 2019 Conference
Representing more than 11,000 academic and research librarians and interested individuals, ACRL (a division of the American Library Association) develops programs, products and services to help academic and research librarians learn, innovate and lead within the academic community. Founded in 1940, ACRL is committed to advancing learning and transforming scholarship
10 – 13, April 2019 Cleveland, OH, USA

Geoscience & Society 2019 Summit
The Summit aims to create a highly interactive forum for effective cooperation between scientists and users of scientific information to tackle global and local challenges around the sustainability of natural resources and systems, global health, and resilience
18 – 21, March 2019 Stockholm, Sweden

Join 5,000+ professionals representing the best in behavioral health as they convene on Nashville at the single biggest event in the field. The National Council for Behavioral Health is celebrating 50 years of achievements in the behavioral health industry; huge strides that are the result of millions of little acts of commitment and service
25 – 27, March 2019 Nashville, TN, USA

K-INBRE Annual Meeting 2019
The 17th Annual K-INBRE Symposium is a professional research meeting with the goal of providing an opportunity for Kansas scientists to present their original research in both poster and oral format. Students present side-by-side with working scientists providing opportunities for networking and future collaboration. The Symposium provides an authentic experience to students who may not have attended a major conference
19 – 20, January 2019 Kansas City, KS, USA

AAS 233rd Meeting 2019
The 233rd Meetings of the American Astronomical Society. The Society assists its members to develop their skills in the fields of education and public outreach at all levels. The Society promotes broad interest in astronomy, which enhances science literacy and leads many to careers in science and engineering
6 – 10, January 2019 Seattle, WA, USA

British Ecological Society 2018
Join 1200 international delegates for Europe’s largest and most influential annual event dedicated to ecology
16 – 19, December 2018 Birmingham, England, UK

AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Our Earth and space science community is united by a passion for science and driven by the profound effects our work can have on others, our communities, our nations and our world. Together, we stand for advancing Earth and space science. That’s why “This is What Science Stands For” is the theme of the 2018 Fall Meeting
10 – 14, December 2018 Washington D.C., USA