Working with Text

How do I adjust font size?

The size of the text in the content boxes can be adjusted using the font size button in the toolbar. Simply highlight the text, click on the ‘font size’ button and select your preferred size.
iPoster editor tool box showing the font size selector tool.

Please note that the font sizes for title, authors and affiliations are fixed. 

Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team; send us a request using our support desk contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.

Why are the subtitle fields not visible?

The reason you can’t see the subtitle fields for affiliated institutions may be because you’ve used up too much space in the Main title and author name fields above them. The space allotted to the ‘Title’, ‘Subtitle’ and ‘Affiliated Institutions’ fields is fixed.  If these fields are too long then the institution information won’t be visible. 

keep your titles and subtitles as short as possible. If you have a very long abstract title, try to abbreviate it in your presentation. Your full abstract title will be displayed on the search screen at the conference.

Likewise,  try to keep your list of co-author names and institutions brief. If you must include several authors on the presentation, use the ‘Author Info‘ button on the main toolbar. This section is an annex to your presentation screen. Visitors will see an  ‘Author Info’ button on your presentation. When they click this button they can view the additional author information. 

You can view the Author Info section for yourself, simply go into preview mode and select the ‘Author Info’ button at the bottom of the page. 

Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team; send us a request using our support desk contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.

Can I edit the title fields?

You can edit the title fields’ font type and font color.  Simply click on the ‘Design’ button in the right hand menu. Then select the font type and color from the options provided. The title’s font size is fixed and therefore cannot be edited.  

iPoster Editor DESIGN button pop-up window showing the buttons used to change the title colors and fonts.

Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team; send us a request using our support desk contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.

Can I add hyperlinks in my iPoster?

Yes you can easily add hyperlinks into your iPoster. Use the ‘Insert Link’ tool in the content box tool bar. Then add the URL and the display text as required.

1. Highlight the text where you want the link placed then click on the insert link tool in the content box tool bar.

Content box showing some text highlighted and the tool bar above it  with a red circle around the link symbol.

2. A pop-up window will open. The display text should already be pre-filled with the highlighted text. Edit this if needed, otherwise just paste the link in the URL field, then click ‘OK’.

Hyperlink pop-up window shown in the iPoster editor when adding a hyperlink to an iPoster.

3. A hyperlink has now been added to the highlighted text. To remove the link simply highlight it again then click on the ‘remove link’ tool next to the ‘insert link’ tool.

Hyperlink successfully added to content box in iPoster editor.

Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team; send us a request using our support desk contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.