What Size should my PDF upload be?

The maximum upload size of PDF file is 50MB. As a general rule we recommend that your file be as small as possible because it improves the loading speed when visitors click on it from the poster gallery.
To compress your file we recommend using one of the following file compression services:
Free (no login required): Compress PDF
Free (login required after 2nd use): Adobe Acrobat – Compress PDF size
Your PDF file should consist of a single page . Please upload it in landscape orientation with a 16:9 Aspect ratio.
Following the above instructions will ensure that your poster looks it’s best on most screens and that it will load quickly when visitors click on it.
A PDF poster on a mock Computer screen in landscape orientation.
Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team; send a support request or email us at [email protected]. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.