
How can I revert back to a previously saved version of my iPoster?

To revert back to a previously saved version of your iPoster click on the VERSION HISTORY button in the Main Menu of your editor screen.

screenshot showing the version history button from the iPoster editor

The last 20 versions of your iPoster will be visible (or up to 20 if you have less than that). The current version will be highlighted. e.g. this version is #27 from 31st Jan at 2:07 PM.

Screenshot of the iPoster version history

To load a previously saved version simply click on the one that you want. This version of your poster will be loaded.

Screenshot of an iPoster in progress in the iPoster Editor

You can check which version is currently loaded (the version that is currently showing), by clicking on the VERSION HISTORY button again. e.g. The active version is now #25 from 15th December at 3:52 PM.

Screenshot of the iPoster version history

After making a change and saving the iPoster you will see a new version has been created (in this example #28). It is the active version that you are now in.

Screenshot of the version history in the iPoster editor

Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team by sending a support request. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.

How can I add a survey to my iPoster?

You can embed a link to a survey created on a platform like, Google Forms. Participants will see a button at the bottom of the poster which they can click on to complete the survey. Follow to the below steps to see how this link can be added to your presentation.

1. Choose a platform in which to create your survey. This example uses Google Forms, but you can use any platform that you prefer. Most of them offer a free basic survey creation tool and you will need to create an account with them to access this.

Here are some that we’ve tested and like:

2. Create your questionnaire in your chosen platform. You can include as many or as few questions as you like.

Google forms survey example.

3. Copy the URL . To find the URL in Google Docs click on the 3 vertical dots at the top right of the screen>click on Add Collaborators>Click on ‘Copy Responder Link’ – the link is now copied.

Google forms survey example with the 3 dot menu circled in red. The menu options are displayed and the option 'Add collaborators' is circled in red.
The Google Forms dialog box pop up when 'Add Collaborators' is clicked. The option called 'Copy Responder Link' is circled in red.

4. Login to the iPoster editor and click on the SURVEY button in the Main Menu. Paste your survey URL into the box and click ‘Submit’.

The iPoster editor screen. There is a red circle around the Add Survey link option and a red arrow pointing at the pop up box that opens when this is clicked. The survey link is pasted in this box.

5. Check that the button appears in Preview Mode. Close the dialogue box and click on the ‘Preview’ button.

The preview button from the iPoster editor.
The preview button from the iPoster editor.

6. Click on the ‘Take the survey’ button. Check that it opens in the window and can be filled in as expected.

The iPoster preview page showing the Survey added opened and able to be filled in. The 'Take the survey' button is circled in red.

Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team by sending a support request. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.

AGU Fall Meeting 2021

For the 5th year in a row we had the privilege of supporting authors and presenters at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.

A group from our team travelled to New Orleans to attend the event in mid December. Jacked up on caffeine and NOLA’s best beignets, we met hundreds of attendees and saw some fantastic and awe-inspiring presentations.

This was one of the first hybrid meetings of this size and scale and our biggest since the covid pandemic started in 2020. Overall it was a huge success– here are some stats from the event:

• 10,702 authors & presenters
• 11,104 iPosters and eLightning presentations
• 22,000 (approximately) attendees, online and in-person

We’re looking forward to next year’s event in Chicago! In the mean time check out some of the iPosters from the conference here

Why can’t I see my iPoster in the conference gallery?

Why can't I see my iPoster in the conference gallery? Screenshot of an iPoster gallery showing the conference banner along the top of the page and 8 thumbnail images of iPosters. Below each thumbnail image is the poster meta data.

Can’t seeyour iPoster in the conference gallery? It may still be un-published or it has been less than an hour since you clicked the publish button in your editor. The other reason may be that the iPoster display setting is set to ‘No’.

To publish your iPoster click on the blue PUBLISH button in the Main Menu of your editor screen. Wait up to 1 hr.

Blue, rectangular button with the word 'PUBLISH' on it. This button will publish the iPoster to the conference gallery.

If you have already published your iPoster over an hour ago, and it’s still not visible in the gallery, then click on My Settings in the main toolbar and navigate to the tab called Choose Publishing Rules.

Toggle the option to Yes and click save. Wait for up to an hour, then check the gallery again.

Why can't I see my iPoster in the conference gallery? A screenshot of the 'Choose publishing Rules' tab in the iPoster Settings.

Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team by sending a support request. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.

How do I add videos to my iPoster?

There are two ways to add videos into content boxes in your iPoster. The first way is to upload a video file via the Insert Video button in the content box tool bar, or via the VIDEO REPOSITORY/GALLERY button from the main tool bar. Once your video is uploaded into the video repository you can insert it into a content box. The second way is to embed a YouTube or Vimeo link within a content box on your iPoster.

There are many video file types that are accepted for upload in the iPoster system as listed below. Please note that the file upload limit for videos is 100MB.

  • 3g2
  • 3gp
  • avi
  • flv
  • ts
  • mov
  • mkv
  • mp4
  • mpeg
  • mpd
  • mxf
  • ogv
  • webm
  • wmv
For instructions on uploading an overall video presentation to your poster please see; How do I add a video presentation to my iPoster?

These instructions are broken down into the following 3 sections:

Section 1: Upload a video file directly into a content box.

Section 2: Upload a video file to the video repository/gallery .

Section 3: Embed a YouTube or Vimeo link into a content box.

Section 1: Upload a video file directly into a Content Box.

1. Place your curser in your content box where you want to insert the video.

2. Click on the Insert HTML5 Video tool in the content box tool bar.

3. The following screen will come up. If you don’t have any videos uploaded in the repository it will be blank. Click on the Video Uploader tab.

4. Upload your video from your computer. You can either drag and drop the file, or click Browse to search through your files.

5. Wait for your file to finish uploading. Be patient, this may take a minute or so.

6. When the upload is complete you’ll be taken to the Video Info tab. Here you can adjust some settings on your video as shown below. When you are ready to insert the video click on the OK button.

7. Your video should now be inserted into your content box and will be visible in the video repository.

8. Test it in Preview mode to see how it will be displayed to conference visitors.

Section 2: Upload a video file to the Video Repository/Gallery.

There is a file upload size limit of 100 MB. If your video file is larger than this you can compress it using an online video file compression service. Here are some free ones that we have used.

1. Click on the VIDEO RESPOSITORY/GALLERY button in the main toolbar.


2. The following dialogue box will open. If you have already uploaded videos within your poster they will be shown here.

3. Click on the green Upload New button at the top left of the gallery screen.

4. Upload your video from your computer. You can either drag and drop the file or click Browse to search through the files on your computer.

5. Wait for the upload to complete. If it is successful you will see your newly uploaded video appear in this screen.

6. Use the below buttons to edit the title of the video or delete the video. You can enter a video title and description using the edit button. These are for your reference only and won’t be visible to viewers.

7. To insert an uploaded video from the gallery use the Insert Video button on the content box toolbar and select the video.

3. Embed a YouTube or Vimeo link into a content box.

1. Place your curser in your content box where you want to insert the video.

2. Click on the Insert Video Link button.

3. The following screen will come up. Insert the video’s URL from Vimeo or YouTube and click ok.

4. The video should be embedded within the content box as shown in the image below. Click on the Preview button from the main menu to check the video in presentation mode.

Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team by sending a support request. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.