Moments from previous live events

Populism and Privilege


We are celebrating our 4th year working with the American Political Science Association, and this year’s Annual Meeting theme was as timely and important as ever.

“No recent political development has been more striking than the rise to power of self-identified populist movements around the globe, whose main unifying trait is their claim to champion “the people” against entrenched selfish “elites.”

Thousands of political scientists from around the world convened in Washington DC to share scholarship and explore the theme in seminars, workshops, roundtables, panels and – not the least – 400 iPoster presentations.

The Stockholm Junior Water Prize 2019

This is our second year working with the Stockholm International Water Institute’s Stockholm Junior Water Prize.

Thousands of high school students from countries all around the world joined national competitions in hopes of earning the chance to represent their nation at the international final held last week during World Water Week in Stockholm. The national and international competitions were open to young people between the ages of 15 and 20 who have conducted water-related projects of proven environmental, scientific, social or technological significance.

The finalists from each country logged into our iPoster system to create their presentations online, using our interactive multimedia tools. They were then flown to Stockholm for World Water Week. Here, they presented and discussed their projects with the wide range of conference attendees, including scientists, engineers, government officials, business leaders, NGOs, and media.

Each of the finalists was interviewed by a jury of international experts, who decided on the winner. The prize was awarded by H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, the Patron of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize.

This year’s winner was Macinley Butson from Australia, for her development of The Sodis Sticker – an Inexpensive Film-based Detector for Accurate Ultraviolet Solar Disinfection of Water.  We congratulate Macinley and all the finalists from all 35 countries for their fantastic projects and presentations.

Macinley Butson from Australia wins Stockholm Junior Water Prize 2019


Planet Plant


We call our planet Earth, but without the plants that grow upon it and within it, we wouldn’t be here. We’re utterly and totally dependent upon them for food, air, habitat, clothing, medicines, climate regulation… not to mention much of the beauty we see around us.

This was our first conference for the American Society of Plant Biologists: Plant Biology 2019. Working with the PCO Conference Managers (with whom we also do AVA) we provided our interactive platform to authors and attendees from around the world. They came from academia, corporations, research institutes, non-profits and government organizations. The PB19 iPosters presented research and innovations in cellular and molecular biology, genetics, development, evolution, physiology and biochemistry.


The Search for Life on Worlds Near and Far

Well, here’s another one for the record books – not in the sheer number of iPoster screens, or mini-theatres, or authors, or participants, but in the mind-blowing research being done in the search for life in our (shared?) universe.

The presentations covered topics such as experimenting with molecules to understand how the building blocks of life came together in the first place; studying extreme environments (saline, frozen, boiling) that can support lifeforms here on earth as a model of conditions that might be found on other planets; and using satellite and telescopic data to discover planets with conditions that might support forms of life like – or unlike – our own. Awe-inspiring!

eLightning iPosterSession minitheater presentation at AbSciCon 2019. The search for life.eLightning iPosterSession touch screen presentation at AbSciCon 2019. The search for life. eLightning iPosterSession minitheater presentation at AbSciCon 2019. The search for life. eLightning iPosterSession touch screen presentation at AbSciCon 2019. The search for life.

See more of our astro- and geoscience conferences here: Big ideas on a big screen,   Current and Future Astronomers at AAS233, A veritable City of Science,   We are the stuff of stars.