
AbSciCon 2022

Origins and Exploration: From Stars to Cells’ was the theme behind AbSciCon 2022, Astrobiology Science Conference.

Every two years this event brings a global astrobiology community together to network and share research. This year the meeting was hybrid which meant that there were both virtual and on-site presenters and participants.

We received some glowing feedback from one participant:

These images from AbSciCon show how iPoster sessions can be structured at an in-person or hybrid meeting. Individual sessions were set up in iPoster Theaters. These were for more structured and formal presentations. For multiple consecutive sessions, rows of touch screens were set up in an iPoster Hall. This provided the opportunity for more casual discussions with poster authors. Finally, there were browsing screens available at any time for attendees who wished to explore further outside of official presentation times.

The V-Foundation for Cancer V-Summit

Check out the participants of Last week’s V Foundation Scholar Summit! Joe was onsite for the summit in Raleigh North Carolina. Scholars presented their vital work in cancer research to their peers. Congratulations to poster winners, Siddhartha Mitra and David Soto-Pantoja who were awarded a cash prize for a combination of their presented research, iPoster design, and presentation skills. We’re very proud to have been a part of this important research showcase.

To find out more about the V-Foundation for Cancer Research visit their website here.

American Education Research Association

We have had a very exciting and busy week at the American Educational Research Association’s 2022 annual meeting, AERA22. This is our 3rd year in a row working with AERA organizers at this event. Joe and Rick were on-site in San Diego before the conference began to help with the setup of 42 touch screens. In total there were over 1600 iPosters viewable via the online gallery on the event screens and to a host of virtual attendees from the comfort of their own homes.

Here are some images from the last few days. You can find out more about AERA here.

National Council for Mental Wellbeing

The annual National Council for Mental Wellbeing conference finished up this week. NatCon is the world’s largest mental wellbeing and substance use treatment conference. The event provided opportunities for 1000s of health care professionals to meet and network. We are so proud to have been involved with NatCon for the 7th consecutive year.

Poster authors enjoyed the ability to edit iPosters at the last moment and the ease of use in both creating a poster, and not having to print and carry it with them. We received a lot of great feedback about the availability of iPosters’ multimedia tools and the space for unlimited content that they provide. Discover more about the National Council for Mental Wellbeing here

Skin of Color Society (SOCS) Scientific Symposium

We’ve just wrapped up at the Skin of Color Society (SOCS) 2022 Scientific Retreat in Boston. Joe was onsite to help with setting up screens and to provide support.  Scientists from around the world and the US shared new research in skin of color dermatology and took part in discussions and workshops. It was a fantastic experience with authors and participants both highly engaged in the poster presentations. Authors and visitors alike really enjoyed the iPoster format.

Big congratulations to the poster competition winner, Brandyn White. Brandyn’s winning poster can be viewed in full here and on our cases page alongside a sample of other standout iPosters.