Moments from previous live events

AGU Fall Meeting

We’re very proud to have been involved  in the AGU Fall Meeting for the 6th year in a row. Mattias, Christer and Joe were on-site in Chicago supporting authors and the in-person iPoster sessions.

There were a whopping 8000 iPosters created and uploaded to the 2022 AGU Fall meeting gallery. Even paper poster presenters had the opportunity to make their research available in the online gallery by uploading a PDF version of their printed poster. This has enabled their research to live-on digitally and be shared and accessed much more easily than a printed poster. 

Our support crew were a little star struck (or should I say asteroid struck?) with one of the authors who came over to upload a PDF poster. It was none other than Andrew Cheng – lead scientist on the DART mission. 

Read more about the DART mission

ASHA Convention 2022

We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to work at the ASHA Convention 2022 ( the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) earlier this month. The in-person portion of the meeting featured over 1,000 iPosters viewable across 89 hi-res, interactive touch screens. The posters were of course all viewable virtually too via the conference’s online gallery.

This was our first time working with ASHA and it was an amazing experience. The convention typically attracts up to 15,000 attendees. It is a major educational and professional development event for those working in the speech, language and hearing science fields.

One of our latest feature developments, narration transcriptions, was used on all ASHA posters. Authors had the ability to generate and edit a transcript for their uploaded poster narrations. They had the option to automatically generate their transcript with the click of a button or manually upload or type in the text.

A real win for accessibility! We’re hoping to see this feature be utilized more and more by authors at future events. 

ISOQOL Annual Meeting

Earlier this month Christer was in Prague to help support the iPoster sessions at the ISOQOL annual meeting. ISOQOL is the International Society for Quality of Life Research. The organization is made up of a global community of health care professionals, clinicians and researchers across a variety of disciplines.

ISOQOL members undertake research on health related quality of life. Their aim is to better understand how health, diseases and treatments impact quality of life. This will help to inform policy makers and health program developers who can allocate resources more effectively.

There were over 180 iPosters created and displayed at the event which will be available virtually for participants until late November.


Eye-catching iPosters at this year’s AAS-DPS (Division for Planetary Sciences) annual meeting. The in-person component of this hybrid event was held in London, Ontario. It was also set up to allow virtual participants to take part. The conference showcased presentations from researchers whose interests lie within the broad spectrum of subjects that make up the astronomical sciences. In total there were 50 screens set up at the event and over 140 iPosters showcased in the poster gallery. The iPosters were also available online for participants attending the conference virtually.