Moments from previous live events

IAC 2023

We were delighted to support the iPoster sessions at the International Astronautical Congress, which took place in Baku, Azerbaijan last week. The conference is organized annually by the International Astronautical Federation and attracts experts and enthusiasts from the field of space exploration. Over 500 iPoster presentations were displayed and discussed over two days of the event, covering a wide range of topics and innovations. This was our second meeting to use our new screen scheduling system, which allows the authors to book their own presentation time slots in advance through their editor. The scheduled times were then automatically shown under the thumbnail image of their poster in the online iPoster gallery. The poster hall was filled with excitement and curiosity, and the whole set-up looked amazing.

AAS 242

last week Joe and Felicity supported the iPoster sessions at AAS 242. The American Astronomical Society is the largest professional organization for astronomers in the United States. It holds annual meetings to showcase the latest research and discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics. 

We have been working with the AAS since 2017 and were, as usual, blown away by the creativity and the content that go into their authors iPosters. Over 200 presentations were created for AAS 242, the summer meeting, in Albuquerque. The presentations were displayed across 40 screens over the five day event. We were  able to utilize our new  control desk feature to  automatically load the posters onto each screen prior to the start of the sessions.

A Space Conference on Climate Change

Our lead project manager Isak, has just wrapped up in Oslo at the Global Space Conference on Climate Change 2023 (GLOC 2023). The event brought together experts from space and climate sectors to discuss how space-based solutions can help address the challenges of climate change.

GLOC 2023 was organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and the Norwegian Space Agency (NOSA). Some topics covered throughout the event included climate change impacts on the environment, applications and services driven by climate change, impacts of a changing climate on policy and law and more.

There were over 75 iPosters created and presented by researchers in 10 minute lightning sessions across two days. Congratulations to all presenters for a fantastic job done. 

AERA Annual Meeting

The 2023 American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting featured a diverse range of research presentations, including a number of engaging and informative iPresentations. We also provided a platform for access to all presentations made during the conference. This included papers delivered during panel discussions, roundtable discussions, workshops symposia and more. There have been over 2000 presentations created and uploaded to the gallery so far. The in-person component has just wrapped up in Chicago and the virtual event will take place in early May.

The AERA Annual Meeting was the first conference to use our newly integrated accessibility widget. This is a major step towards creating a more inclusive online environment. With this widget users with disabilities can easily navigate and interact with the iPoster interactive templates. The widget’s AI-powered technology automatically adjusts the interface to accommodate different accessibility needs. This includes screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, and color contrast adjustments. The widget’s user-friendly interface allows users to customize their experience to suit their specific needs, making it easier to access and understand the content on iPosters. We will continue tweaking the widget as we receive user feedback on it. This integration on the interactive templates is a win for accessibility and inclusivity in the science sharing community.

Trexperts: Skin of Color Society

Really happy to be onsite in NOLA for the 19th annual Skin of Color Society  (SOCS) Scientific Symposium. There were over 130 iPosters created for the event. The research was compiled and presented by both students and professionals at various levels  in the dermatology field.