Can I add any media to a PDF poster?

Because the PDF upload is a static document you can’t add any multi media within the poster itself once it’s uploaded in the iPoster system. You can however add an overall audio narration or a video presentation within the PDF+ editor. See the FAQ linked below for detailed instructions on how to include this media in your presentation. Any hyperlinks included in your PDF will be accessible to viewers and will open in a new window when viewed at a conference or online.

You can also add media into the author information button on the right hand menu. If you click into this button you will see the multimedia toolbox options. Please see the following instructions for how to add multimedia:

If your conference offers both iPoster and PDF+ template you can change at any point from a PDF+ template to an iPoster template. Please follow the detailed instructions on this here.

Need further assistance? Reach out to our support team; send a support request or email us at [email protected]. Don’t forget to let us know which conference you’re creating a presentation for.